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A-PAD Bangladesh Activity Report Month of December 2024

Project Title: Strengthening Capacity for Sustainable Disaster Management Network by involving multi-sectoral platform Project Period: 17 January, 2024– 16 January, 2025 (12 month)


  1. Project Activities and Accomplishments


Bangladesh is ranking as one of the most disaster-prone countries. People in Bangladesh are often affected by water-related natural disasters, including floods, riverbank erosion and cyclones. In addition, recent rapid urbanization increases the risks for earthquake as well as man-made disasters. National Plan for Disaster Management (NPDM) 2021-2025 exemplified the strategic plan of the Government of Bangladesh in its Vision and the Mission of the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR) between 2021 and 2025 towards building resilient nation. Bangladesh GOVT. has NPDM 2021-2025 has core goals for actions to save life, reduce economic losses in every disaster cycle stages which includes Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Humanitarian Response and Emergency Recovery Management. In Bangladesh most hazards impact: flood; cyclone and surge; tornado; earthquake; riverbank erosion; landslide; salinity intrusion; drought; tsunami; lightning; arsenic contamination; human-induced hazards and health hazards. The last hazard has potential for assuming significance because of the emerging risks in Bangladesh.

A-PAD Bangladesh started project from January 2023 and presently continue it 17 January 2024 to build up capacity on disaster management. It communicates with the different sectors like local community, community leaders, stakeholders, GOVT. officials continuing training on disaster management. To hold training program A-PAD Bangladesh staff organized small community meeting to sharing ideas on disaster and introduced them about A-PAD Bangladesh activity. A-PAD Bangladesh working 8 divisional areas.

There are 1 health workers in each divisions whose are doing home visit and aware the local community about basic disaster awareness. The health workers gave basic ideas about disaster management. A-PAD Bangladesh working at the rural areas. If there would be any directions or announcement from GOVT. or any disaster related news has been published the health workers delivered the message to the local community. Total 3,382 persons were benefited from A-PAD Bangladesh on December 2024.

A-PAD Bangladesh attended coordination meeting at the 8 divisions in Office of Deputy Commissioner. At that meeting different NGOs had joined and explained their activities. Besides this what will be the next activities of the GOVT. and NGOs were discussed at that meeting.



1.  Strengthening of disaster risk reduction and disaster response system functions through the Emergency Disaster Management Coordination



( Outcome 1 ) The Emergency Disaster Management Coordination Center operated under this project will function as a disaster response base in each region, leading to the disaster risk reduction in the community and the

strengthening of its disaster response system.:

Project Status:

Achievements vs Outcome:

If the activity is behind the schedule, please write the reason.

1-1 Operation           of Emergency                Disaster Management Coordination Centers

Target:Local communities

10        people×25            days×8

divisions×12 months =24,000 people

【Indicators of Outcome】

1-1    The Emergency Disaster Management Coordination Center will be used for coordination meetings among partner organizations and relevant stakeholders during normal times, and will also serve as a center for health and public health guidance for the local residents. In the time of emergency, health services will be provided by emergency health workers. The Emergency Disaster Management Coordination Center will be used by 24,000 local residents (annual average) in the target area.

(Indicator:number or visitors, record of services provided)

1-2      Through the Disaster Management Awareness Program, community residents will receive the latest disaster information and knowledge on how to respond to disasters, and people’s awareness of disaster prevention and response will be increased.

(Indicator:Community disaster preparedness report)

Total 2,838 people visited to the Disaster Management Coordination Center to discuss about disaster preparedness and health related issues.

Dhaka: 370 Persons Cox’s Bazar: 352 Persons Pabna: 346 Persons

Bagerhat: 338 Persons

Patuakhali: 362 Persons

Habiganj: 372 Persons

Rangpur: 348 Persons

Netrokona: 350 Persons Total = 2,838 Persons

1-2 Disaster Management Awareness Program

Target:Local communities, Community leaders, Local NGOs, Private

company                      workers, government officials

15 people × 8 divisions × 4

times ×12 months =5,760 people

A-PAD Bangladesh conducted Disaster Management Awareness programs at the 8 divisional areas where 515 persons have participated. Total 4 times training organized at each divisional areas.

Dhaka:15 Participantsx 4 Sessons= 60+4=64 Participants

Cox’s Bazar: 15 Participantsx 4 Sessons= 60+6=66 Participants

Pabna: 15 Participantsx 4 Sessons= 60+5=65 Participants

Bagerhat: 15 Participantsx 4 Sessons= 60+5=65 Participants

Patuakhali: 15 Participantsx 4 Sessons= 60+2=62 Participants





Habiganj: 15 Participantsx 4 Sessons= 60+4=64 Participants

Rangpur: 15 Participantsx 4 Sessons= 60+3=63 Participants

Netrokona: 15 Participants x 4 Sessons= 60+6=66 Participants

2.  Expansion of disaster management network to improve community vulnerability


(Outcome 2)The network of NPF will be expanded and the capacity of each region for disaster prevention

and response will be strengthened.


2-1 Network Partner Meeting

Target             : Local communities, Community leaders, Local NGO, Private Company                               Workers, Government officials

50 people × 5 villages × 8 divisions = 2,000 people

【Indicator of Outcome】 2-1

Strategies, mechanisms, and action plans for disaster reduction cooperation are developed in each region through discussions at network partner meetings, and a framework for disaster reduction cooperation is established.

(Indicator:Strategic Plan) 2-2

MOUs signed with at least 5 new organizations, including private companies, in A-PAD Bangladesh NPF to expand the network

(Indicator:number of new MOUs signed) 2-4

Resources possessed by A-PAD BGD partner organizations are provided in emergency disaster response, and play the role of that organization in times of emergency.

(Indicator:List of resources such as supplies, human resources and donations provided by partner


2-2 Disaster Preparedness Campaigns Target:Partner organizations and local communities

50 people × 2 times × 8 divisions = 800 people


2-3 Network                 Partners Capacity Strengthening (DRR)

Target         :          Partner organizations




20 people × 2 organizations

× 2 times × 8 divisions = 640 people

organizations for emergency disaster response)


2-4 Seminar for Developing New                     Disaster Prevention Solutions

Target : NGO, Disaster prevention                               related government organizations, Private sector personnels

30 people ( 2days ) × 8 divisions × 2 times = 480 people


2-5 International Symposium on DRR

Target     : Government, Local government, private company,     NOG,                 partner organization, representative     of                    A-PAD member countries, etc.

200 people


3.  Practical training to improve resilience of local communities


( Outcome 3 ) Contribute to improving the disaster resilience of local

communities through practical training.




3-1 Disaster response capacity building of local community level in Health and

hygiene field

【Indicator of Outcome】

3-1 a) Establish networks of community leaders who can lead disaster response and

emergency health response in all districts of Bangladesh.

(Indicator:Number and the List of community leaders for disaster

response/emergency health in each 8 districts.)


b) Networks of human resources with the skills and know-how to respond to

health emergencies will be established in all districts of Bangladesh to provide

health services to the local residents in times of emergency.

(Indicator:Data of NGO health personals who can respond in emergency.

Number of residents who received the services in the cases of activities during

emergency disaster in each 8 districts.)

3-2 a) Disaster preparedness training and drills will be documented in a manual, and

women, youth groups, and local stakeholders who participate in the drills will be

granted certificates of completion and work as disaster volunteer teams during

actual disasters.


3-1 a) Workshop on Disaster Management and Emergency Health Response

Target : Local residents, Community leaders, Local NGO workers

25 people ( 2 days ) × 8

divisions × 2 times = 400 people

A-PAD Bangladesh organized Workshop on Disaster Management and Emergency Health Response at Habiganj.

18-19 December 2024, Habiganj, Total Participants 25+4=29 Participants


Habiganj, a low-lying deltaic region, has recently experienced one of the most significant floods in recent history, primarily attributed to the heavy rainfall that began in June and July. This deluge caused rivers to overflow, inundating extensive areas across multiple districts. As a result, homes, agricultural lands, and essential infrastructure have been submerged, leading to substantial disruptions in the lives of millions.

In response to this crisis, a Workshop on Disaster Management and Emergency Health Response was conducted by CIS in Habiganj on December 18-19, 2024, aimed at enhancing the capacity for effective emergency response to floods.


Moreover, access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities has been severely compromised, heightening the risk of waterborne diseases. It is also critical to recognize that funding constraints are limiting the scale and scope of

humanitarian  support,  underscoring  the  necessity  for




(Indicator:Drilling Manual, Cases of activities in emergency disaster response)

b) Disaster drills at junior high schools will be documented in a manual so that

students who participate in the drills will have the skills to take appropriate

action in the event of a disaster.

(Indicator:Drilling Manual, Report of emergency disaster response)

increased assistance from international donors and partner organizations.

Additionally, it remains vital for communities to be informed about protective measures against heat stroke, as access to remote and flood-affected areas continues to pose challenges due to damaged infrastructure and ongoing rainfall. Overall, a coordinated effort involving NGOs and government organizations is essential to meet the humanitarian needs of the affected individuals and to strengthen the resilience of these communities.

3-1 b) Training of Local Health Workers on Disaster                       Health Activities

Target : Health workers who belong to local NGOs or civil organizations

20 people ( 3 days ) × 8 divisions = 160 people


3-2 Strengthening disaster response capacities of local            communities

through                     disaster drilling training


3-2 a)




Women Empowerment and Capacity Building

Target : Women’s groups in target villages

20 people ( 2 days ) × 8

divisions × 2 times = 320




3-2 b)

Disaster Drilling for the Youth            and   Local Stakeholders

Target:Youth in the local private and civic sector

45 people ( 2 days ) × 8

divisions × 2 times = 720 people


3-2 c)

Disaster Drilling for Junior High Schools Target:School Children

40 people ( 2 days ) × 8

divisions × 2 times = 640 people


3-3 Update                website contents as E-resources for                  Disaster

Management month-of-november-2024/



  1. Challenges

Practice in collaboration with A-PAD Bangladesh Network Partners Please write good practice in collaboration with partner organizations

  1. Any contribution Funds Received and Grants Applied / Planned and Implemented Projects by CIS including Emergency Response

Please write Projects name and its fund resources

  1. Relationship with Bangladesh Government and Japanese Embassy Please write about Meeting with Government office