Project Title: Capacity Building Project for the Establishment and Sustainable Management of a Multi-Sector Platform for Disaster Management in
Project Period: 17 January, 2022 – 16 January, 2023 (12 month)
1. Project Activities and Accomplishments
Bangladesh is one of the hazard prone countries in South Asia. Floods, droughts, landslides, thunderstorms, hurricanes and cyclones occur regularly. Among
these earthquakes, floods and drought risk are extremely high. These hazards threaten millions of lives and cause large scale financial, infrastructure,
agriculture and productivity losses that seriously hinder Bangladesh’s overall development. Bangladesh has limited resources and lack their own disaster
management plans. Considering these problems, this paper attempts to throw light on a more integrated and responsive disaster management system in
Bangladesh. Disaster Management approaches in Bangladesh harmonizing systematic inquiry of Disaster Management in Bangladesh is not well conversant
in the available literature. Moreover, this approach taken from different programs at national, international and community level, which is not redeveloped,
aligned with the field experiences and theoretical viewpoint.
A-PAD Bangladesh started project from January 2020 and presently continue it 17 January 2022 to build up capacity on disaster management. It
communicate with the different sectors like local community, community leaders, stakeholders, GOVT. officials continuing training on disaster management.
To hold training program A-PAD Bangladesh staff organized small community meeting to sharing ideas on disaster and introduced them about A-PAD
Bangladesh activity. A-PAD Bangladesh working 7 divisions in last years.
There are 2 health workers in each divisions whose are doing home visit and aware the local community about basic disaster awareness. The health workers
gave basic ideas about disaster management. A-PAD Bangladesh working at the rural areas. If there would be any directions or announcement from GOVT.
or any disaster related news has been published the health workers delivered the message to the local community. Like Bangladesh GOVT. started
vaccination program which many people did not know and some people did not interested about taking vaccine. So that the health worker visited different
areas to give message about the vaccination program. Total 3768 persons were benefited from A-PAD Bangladesh on February 2022.
A-PAD Bangladesh attended coordination meeting at the 7 divisions in Office of Deputy Commissioner. At that meeting different NGOs had joined and
explained their activities. Besides this what will be the next activities of the GOVT. and NGOs were discussed at that meeting.