Interview of NPF Members

Dilip Narayan Bhuiyan
Executive Director
Atkhali Community Unnayan Sangstha
Role in Atkhali Community Unnayan Sangstha
- Public Awareness
- Remove Unemployment
- Increase Literacy
"To Aware the Community about Disasters and Volunteer team build-ups"
When and why did you join A-PAD Bangladesh NPF?
On March 2018 CIS organized training on disaster management trainingand Atkhali Community Unnayan Sangstha and our 115 members of staff had join that training. After that Atkhali Unnayan Sangstha joined A-PAD Bangladesh NPF to collaborate on disaster management.
What is the benefit of NPF members?
Get to know different strategies which is helpful during Disaster.
Tell me about your memorable experience of Disaster Management.
In recent year, during COVID-19, super Cyclone Amphan hit in Galachipa and people were afraid as 2 disasters hit at the same time. So convincing them to go to shelter house and maintaining medical rules properly.
What is the current problem of Disaster Management in your country?
People don’t take disaster seriously. Less public awareness.
What do you want to do as a member of A-PAD in the future?
Relation buildup among public and private sector.