You are currently viewing NPF Members Interview: Syed Humayun Kabir, the Executive Director of PASA

NPF Members Interview: Syed Humayun Kabir, the Executive Director of PASA

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Interview of NPF Members

Syed Humayun Kabir

Executive Director
Role in PASA
  • Prepare new projects
  • Communicate with donor NGO’s
  • Project monitoring
  • Developing organizational strategy
  • Conducting day-to-day activities
  • Preparing budgets
  • Overseeing financial accounts
  • Communicate with government officials

“Build sustainable and self-reliant society through disaster management training and providing small loan to the poor people.

When and why did you join A-PAD Bangladesh NPF?
CIS invited our organization to join international program where we had attended and joined NPF on 21 March 2019

What is the benefit of NPF members?
As Hobiganj is one of the Disaster prone area in our country and most of the people are not educated. NPF introduced us with easy Training module which helps us and the community people to know more about Disaster preparedness.

Tell me about your memorable experience of Disaster Management. 
Now it is time of COVID-19 and most of the people in Hobiganj are not aware about this Pandemic situation. PASA got the opportunity to work with the community people and also distribute hygiene kit to them. 

What is the current problem of Disaster Management in your country? 
Bangladesh are now more concern about disaster but the fact is that Govt need to connect with the community people more and Govt also need to work with private sector.

What do you want to do as a member of A-PAD in the future?
As a member of A-PAD it connect all of us globally. So we all can come forward to protect ourselves from various kind of Disaster. We all-together can reduce the effects of any kind disaster now.