Interview of NPF Members

Md Kamal Hossain
Executive Director
Ashar Alo Bangladesh
Role in Ashar Alo Bangladesh
- Managing company assets
- Optimizing financial operations
- Providing leadership to all staff
- Directors on organizational activities
- Improving staff
"To establish a poverty-free equitable and just society"
Ashar Alo Bangladesh is a local NGO. It was established in march, 1995 with the initiation of a group of social workers with an aim to promote the socio-economic and cultural status of the rural poor and vulnerable people emphasizing the women and children though various development initiatives. AAB has been ensuring women’s rights and leadership works for the human and socio economics development of the urban and rural under privileged people of Bagerhat district in Bangladesh.
To develop socio economic status of poor and vulnerable people. especially the women and children in the society through making them aware, capable, self- reliant, and self- initiators though building capacity, institutions, capital, utilization of local resources and imparting felt- need based problem solving programs involving necessary skilled, trained, experienced and qualified personnel.
When and why did you join A-PAD Bangladesh NPF?
Interested on CIS activities and collaboration with the local NGO’s Ashar Alo had joined A-PAD Bangladesh.
What is the benefit of NPF members?
Work collaboratively with the partners.
Tell me about your memorable experience of Disaster Management.
During disaster many organizations work together to mitigate the disaster risk reduction.
What is the current problem of Disaster Management in your country?
Early warning system is one of the major issue. Without getting any kind of warning alarm many people fall into disaster and lost.
What do you want to do as a member of A-PAD in the future?
As a member we want to update the awareness with the help of CIS.